Tuesday, 8/20/2019 – Acadia National Park: Pemetic Mountain and Sunset on Cadillac Mountain

The boys and I set out early to climb Pemetic Mountain, elevation 1,248 feet.  We rode the Island Explorer bus to the Visitor Center, then took a second bus to the Bubble Pond parking lot.  We took some pictures of Bubble Pond before beginning our ascent of Pemetic Mountain by following the Pemetic North Ridge Trail.  

This trail is rated “hard”, and it was easy to see why.  While Torsten loved scrambling up the rocks, Erik was not as thrilled. 

However, the views from the top were unbelievable.  As it was a clear day, we could see for miles in every direction.  It was breathtaking.  We sat at the top and ate our lunch while enjoying the breeze and the spectacular scenery.

The descent on the other side of the mountain wasn’t as steep, and didn’t seem to take much time at all. 

We took another trail over to Jordan Pond where we boarded the bus to get back to the Visitor Center to transfer to the bus that would take us back to the campground.  

Of all the hikes we did at Acadia National Park, the hike to the summit of Pemetic Mountain was my favorite.

I picked up more live lobsters for dinner.

After dinner, we all drove up to the summit of Cadillac Mountain to view the sunset.  We arrived early so Scott and Erik (who hadn’t been to the summit with us last week) could walk the loop at the top and see all the amazing views.  We used the informational boards at the summit to identify the other places we’d been on the island, and to find the island we’re scheduled to visit on Thursday.

The sunset was perfect.

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